Sunday, August 30, 2009

Silence in Massive Crowds

China, the largest populated country in the world. Buses, Train Stations, Supermarket, the streets, all crowded there is no sense of personal space. How can in a world like this there be silence. If you stop and listen the restaurants are buzzing with conversation, the streets have cars honking their horns constantly, but you understand none of it. Below my window two friends are talking and laughing, but it is just a string of sounds, at home you would be thinking of your opinion on the matter or wish they would keep their thoughts to themselves. When you hear even one English word it sounds like it was screamed, it triggers recognition and your ears are so much more sensitive to that sound than they are at home. It sounds like a whole lot of gibberish but it makes sense. When you do not understand what is being said, you ignore it and start to tune it out. I am living in a busy world of silence.

Walking down the street you get stared at 100% of the time. There is no shame, just as there are no personal spaces. It is really nice to not know what they are saying and the same goes the other way as well. We openly stare at them too, and comment on their outfit or hairstyle. They don's understand us, so we don't keep our voices to a whisper. I can tell you know that when the time comes to return to the states, it will be loud, and personal bubbles will need to be redevolped as well as openly staring! Remember that nothing is as it seems in China - it is the opposite!

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