Sunday, August 30, 2009

And What A Way to Go

One day down. I can't believe that I have already taught one class, me!!! I Am The Teacher. It is a crazy thought. I had my first class, it was my smallest class, but so much fun. My Monday mornings will be fun, starting the week with them. They are decent with English so it was entertaining to hear some of the sentences they came up with and what they had to say. I had a student make up his own english name. I can't help but laugh when he struts to the front of the class and writes his name on the board. Standing tall he informed the class that this his is new name, that he made up, and this is what everyone will call him from now on. What a riot, but I had to keep a straight was face and say ok!

It was a blessing to have such a class as a start to my teaching career. There is no denying that there was a plan set in motion long before China was even in my mind. There will be hard times, there will be sad times, there will be fun times, and times to rejoice. For every season there is a time. A fun class, with a plan set in motion, what a way to go!

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