Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why oh Why?!?!

Just sitting here I begin to wonder why we do some of the things we do.
Why do we wear shoes that hurt our feet?
Why do we work 5 days a week and only take 2 days off?
Why do we run around in a hurry about everything, and never take the time to enjoy things?
Why do we eat crap and then go to the gym to try and make up for all the crap?
Why do we think that working out for 30 minutes will make us thin, yet we are lazy all the rest of the time and eat more crap?
Why do people get angry when they break something and blame it on the people who are there to help them?
Why do people think that they are better than other people? What gives them the right and/or who gave them that status?
Why do people fear the things that are there to protect them? (The law, Officers, Rules/Regulations)

And the biggest kicker is Why are people blind? How can they look at this world; wind, flowers stars, blue sky, mountains, animals, grass, the human body;  and doubt that there is a God who is greater then all that and loves them more than anything they could ever imagine?

So those are my thoughts as I look out the window at the fall colors and marvel at how the leaves change and all the color around.

Why are we so blessed yet so unsatisfied?

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